MLB BULUKUMBA 32 (IMO 9935789) - Tug

What are MLB BULUKUMBA 32 ship details?


MLB BULUKUMBA 32 (IMO: 9935789) is a Tug registered and sailing under the flag of Indonesia. Her gross tonnage is 289 and deadweight is 0. MLB BULUKUMBA 32 was built in 2022. MLB BULUKUMBA 32 length overall (LOA) is 29 m, beam is 8 m. Her container capacity is 0 TEU.

Where is MLB BULUKUMBA 32 current position?

MLB BULUKUMBA 32 current position is received by AIS and displayed on next chart by using of VesselFinder services.

Vessel details for MLB BULUKUMBA 32

Ship Particulars Value
IMO 9935789
Callsign YDC3407
Flag (Registration) Indonesia
Gross Tonnage 289
Deadweight (t) 0
Length (m) 29
Beam (m) 8
Built (year) 2022
Builder N/A

All details and current position are for informational purposes and VesselTracking is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of MLB BULUKUMBA 32 data values.