PANCARAN XLV-1215 (IMO 9761774) - Tug
What are PANCARAN XLV-1215 ship details?
PANCARAN XLV-1215 (IMO: 9761774) is a Tug registered and sailing under the flag of Indonesia. Her gross tonnage is 141 and deadweight is 0. PANCARAN XLV-1215 was built in 2014. PANCARAN XLV-1215 length overall (LOA) is 23.5 m, beam is 7.32 m. Her container capacity is 0 TEU. The ship is operated by PANCARAN MARITIM TRANSPORTINDO.
Where is PANCARAN XLV-1215 current position?
PANCARAN XLV-1215 current position is received by AIS and displayed on next chart by using of VesselFinder services.
Vessel details for PANCARAN XLV-1215
Ship Particulars | Value |
IMO | 9761774 |
Callsign | N/A |
Flag (Registration) | Indonesia |
Gross Tonnage | 141 |
Deadweight (t) | 0 |
Length (m) | 23.5 |
Beam (m) | 7.32 |
TEU | 0 |
Built (year) | 2014 |
Yard | BATAM |
PANCARAN XLV-1215 History
Name | Flag | Year |
PANCARAN XLV-1215 | Indonesia | 2014 |
All details and current position are for informational purposes and VesselTracking is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of PANCARAN XLV-1215 data values.