Finnlines Container Ships


Finnlines (Finnlines - Grimaldi) operates 27 container ships with total TEU of 14850. The biggest Finnlines container ship is GRANDE LAGOS with TEU of 1800. Finnlines was established in 2006. The following list of Finnlines container vessels gives you details about ship particulars, current position and container schedules.

Showing 1-19 of 19 items.
9672090 GRANDE TEMA201418007154331340236.32
9672105 GRANDE COTONOU201518007154331340236.32
9672088 GRANDE LAGOS201418007154331340236.32
9680712 GRANDE ABIDJAN201518007154330801236.32
9253208 GRANDE SAN PAOLO200313215700026169213.88
9253210 GRANDE BUENOS AIRES200413215700026169213.88
9246580 GRANDE NIGERIA200313215700026169213.88
9246607 GRANDE AMBURGO200313215700027492214
9130951 GRANDE ATLANTICO199913025664227965213.88
9130949 GRANDE AFRICA199813025664227965213.88
9138410 REPUBBLICA ARGENTINA19988005192523882208.61
9343168 GRANDE GHANA20098004712825000210.92
9343156 GRANDE ANGOLA20088004712826881210.92
9437945 GRANDE SIERRA LEONE20118004765925665211
9465382 GRANDE COSTA DAVORIO20118004723224800210.92
9138422 REPUBBLICA DEL BRASILE19988005192523882208.61
9437907 GRANDE MAROCCO20108004763625725211.3
9437919 GRANDE GUINEA20108004765925799211
9143702 GRAN BRETAGNA19997165182318360183.28